Sonia Axis Services - Voice Coaching photo

Voice coaching for singing, speaking and wellbeing

Sing freely or speak confidently in public during presentations.

Express yourself in public without feelings of embarrassment, anxiety or knot in the throat.

Have a strong and powerful voice that people feel not just hear.

This holistic voice coaching program will help you to achieve a confident, strong sound. And mindset for success.

It builds confidence with singing or speaking, to help you articulate and express yourself. We’ll work on your mindset, breathing, posture, elocution and projection with bespoke exercises to suit your needs and help you reach your goals.

We will work with your body, mind and emotions. Alongside vocal development, you’ll benefit from healthy self-esteem, confidence, improved resilience, mindful approach to self, kinaesthetic awareness and improved focus.

In group workshops using voice to tone instead of singing allows participants to connect with others and themselves in a way not accessible in any other way. It supports building confidence, connections and teams.

Book here

Your Coach's experience:

- over 20 years of professional experience of performing in Europe, Asia, Middle East and the USA

- teaching singing and elocution since 2011

- her creative versatility expressed itself through collaborations with Gary Crosby OBE (Jazz Warriors) , Tadeusz Domanowski (Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, EMI Classics) and Robin Banerjee (Amy Winehouse)

- a devoted and passionate teacher with extensive stylistic knowledge and in-depth understanding of physiology and psychology of a performer offering full developmental support for singers and public speakers

My Clients Say...

“I wanted to sing a song at my niece's wedding.I approached Sonia to teach me a song to sing. I have very bad hearing so singing is a real challenge. She was a very inspirational and fantastic teacher. I loved doing the sessions with her. I would highly recommend her”.

Rajeev, Voice Coaching

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